VR Space Station

This project lets a user explore what physics would be like on a spinning space station.

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In the unity scene the space station is static, this is because having everything constantly in motion caused havoc with collisions.
Each rigidbody in the scene has a script which controls how it should be moving in relation to the speed that the space station is spinning.


All VR interactions were built using VRTK so that we could build to SteamVR and the Oculus Rift.
A custom Teleporter was needed which would work around a ring, treating the centre of the space station as Up.

Editor Tools

Custom editor tools were made to bend flat meshes around a circle and to quickly duplicate section of the spaceship in a radial direction. curving mesh

curving mesh


Developed at RMIT


Programmer - Joshua Reason
Programmer - Therry Tran